Speak English

Posted by MIA on December 03, 2018 with No comments

Speak English just like natives ( like their original speakers):

"It is really a difficult to speak like natives" you heard this sentence a lot from other.It is true but up to some extent.You know that human have the capability to learn and speak any language.Remember your self as a child.How you learn language?
Did some one teaches rules? No.But here one thing you must remember our first language is acquired(with out our wish we learn) but the second language we are learning is learning.And one thing more that the first language learning was easy because our mind was blank,the second will be a bit difficult because now our mind is full of rules and structure of our native speakers.
Now you will thinking that why I am writing such stuff and not coming toward main point.lets discuss our main concern.

Step 1: 

The more you listen the more you speak.Just go to google type any English native speakers video,movie,cartoon or news channel.Listen to them carefully.At first you will not understand it but the more you listen the more you understand so as a result the more will you speak.Remember your childhood ,your mother,father,siblings(brother and sisters) and all your family member they are speaking almost for a year.After we start copying them and almost in 1.5 or 2 years we can speak quite fluently and can convey our thoughts.Now if you have mind you will probably think that as first language which was too easy to acquired takes year the how second language I can learn in a day,week or month.In a nutshell you have to listen as much as possible.

Step 2:

Try to repeat these which you are listening just like they are uttering(speaking). At least do it for three or four times.

Step 3:

At the end practice these words.Use these words in a day to day speeches and you will very soon speak like natives.
                               BEST OF LUCK


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