History Of Great Britain

Posted by MIA on December 07, 2018 with No comments

         HISTORY   OF  GREAT BRITAIN      

The History of great Britain is divided into parts:

These parts are:

  1. Earliest times
  2. Early middle ages
  3. Late middles ages
  4. Tudors
  5. Stuarts
  6. Eighteenth century
  7. Nineteenth century
  8. Twentieth century


The earliest time is about the lands of Britain It occupied a best position. They are almost the first invaders :Celts. After Celts  Romans came and their life is much different then Celts .
Saxon is a tribe they invade and their government and society become powerful. Christianity came to England in almost 4 century , and Vikings starts ruling England
The Celtic kingdom will be discussed later ; their kingdom in Wales, Ireland and also Scotland.


In middles ages the Norman came and conquered the England.They bring feudalism here.So the government is just like a family business.The people of England proposes Magna Carta and due to which the declined in feudalism came.
Then the power of church is in danger as result church and kings are now against each other.The parliament came into beings. Celts here re-appeared.
This was the important period it affects the government and society, Law and justice, religious beliefs,country and town life and also language,literature and culture of England.


This is also called as the Century of war, Plague , and Disorder Because there is a War of England with Scotland and France.The plague destroyed a very large population of England . It was the same ages in which the First time poor in  revolts.
..............................................................................to be continued


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