Summary Of The Novel: Tess Of Durbervilles

Posted by Mi on February 01, 2019 with No comments

Chapter 1: 

                                     Parson told Tess father(Mr--------) about Derbervilles. He said that they are not Durbervilles instead they belong to Durbervilles. His father in his excitement on his back to home ordered a boy to inform his family member about him that he is coming. The boy at first refused but he said that he will give him money.So, he obey his ordered. Tess father went to the place where Tess and other were dancing. He was very much drunk.He told Tess about this secret. She was very much ashamed. All make fun of her.

Chapter 2: 

                   Angel and his brothers come to dance place( May day dance). He danced with another lady.On going back toward his home he noticed Tess.He was feeling poor because he said to him self that why doesn't he noticed Tess.On the other hand Tess was also feeling sad. He feels rejected as he was not chosen by that handsome boy. She said to her self that what she will do with this Durbervilles name.

Chapter 3:

                                     Tess didn't dance for a a long time. When she went home. Her mother was taking care of her siblings. His father didn't came back home.Her mother in search of him. He was in a bar her mother also drink with him. When they doesn't come, Tess later brother abraham go after them. His brother hosten to his parent conversation. When they took so ling, as a  result Tess her self worse.

Chapter 4:

                                     Due to heavy drink, tess father was not able to go on journey. Tess mother send Tess and his brother abraham to city; to take beehives. Tess and his brother was send immedietly and they are sleeping before their journey. They don't go so far in a way they both fall in sleep. As a result they have an accident. They house prince died. Before sleeping Tess brother told him that their parents are willing to marry you with durbervilles. They are an relatives.


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